Preparing your Water Pipes for Winter
• A trickle of hot and cold water might be all it takes to keep your pipes from freezing. Let warm water drip overnight, preferably from a faucet on an outside wall.
• Set the thermostat in your house no lower than 55°F (12°C).
• You may be able to thaw a frozen pipe with the warm air from a hair dryer. Start by warming the pipe as close to the faucet as possible, working toward the coldest section of pipe.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
In emergency situations it is essential for PWSD No. 3 to have current contact information.
Customers who wish to have the water service disconnected must fill out the Out-processing form found on the services page.
Individuals wishing to establish water service with PWSD No. 3 must complete the Water User Agreement found on the services page.
Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Johnson County is a public water utility located in Warrensburg, Missouri. We provide public drinking water to residents in the rural area surrounding Warrensburg, Knob Noster, Leeton, and Windsor. Our service area includes the portion of Johnson County that is south of State Highway 50, west of Pettis County, east of State Highway 13 and north of Henry County. PWSD No. 3 also services a small portion of northeast Henry County and approximately 2 to 4 miles east of the Johnson County and Pettis County line.
PWSD No. 3 Needs Your Assistance!
The Lead and Copper Rule is a United States federal regulation that monitors the levels of lead & copper in public drinking water supply systems. In 2021, The Lead and Copper Rule was revised. Under this new rule, PWSD No. 3 is required to identify the material used in the customer’s service line.
Beginning February 20, 2024 the per 1,000 gallons water usage charge will increase by $0.67. The new rate will be $10.17.
Beginning February 20, 2024 the per 1,000 gallons wastewater charge will increase by $0.56. The new rate will be $8.56.
Lead and Copper Service Line
The revised Lead and Copper Rule now requires all water systems to identify the material used in all customers' service lines and service connections to the interior plumbing of a structure.
PWSD No. 3 is requesting your assistance by taking a short questionnaire that will help us to compile a database of this material to comply with Federal regulations.
By completing the survey, you will prevent needing to schedule a future appointment with a PWSD No. 3 representative on this matter.
The 2025 water and wastewater rates will take effect on February 20, 2025. Usage period will be from February 20th to March 20th and reflected on the April billing statement. Water will be billed a minimum charge of $20.00 plus a usage charge of $10.17 for each 1,000 gallons. Wastewater will be billed a minimum charge of $47.00 plus a usage charge of $8.56 for each 1,000 gallons.
Tower Demolition Advertisement for Bids
Sealed proposals for the demolition, disconnection, and removal of six (6) existing on-site water towers and appurtenances for the Public Water Supply District No. 3 will be received by the OWNER until 10:00am on February 14, 2025, at the Public Water Supply District, 106 SE 421st Road, Warrensburg, MO 64093 where at that place and time said proposals shall be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after such date and time shall be returned unopened.
The Information for Bidders, Form of Bid and Specifications may be obtained at the office of PWSD No. 3, 106 SE 421st Road, Warrensburg, MO 64093 or the bid documents below.
Winning bidder must provide proof of insurance with minimum of $1,000,000.
All structures are located within the Knob Noster State Park and require permitted access. Visual observation of towers are by appointment only. Bidders are responsible for scheduling appointments with PWSD No. 3 prior to bid opening.
The award of Contracts on this project shall be predicated upon competitive bidding, and satisfactory performance of past work. Said Bidder shall be determined for the Contract by summarizing the applicable low base bids and selection by the District Board based on past performance of work.
The Public Water Supply District No. 3 of Johnson County reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive all informalities in the bids. No bids may be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) days subsequent to the specified time for receipt of bids.